
Today Maximilian Hollendonner and Fedor Hrunski started their PhD in our group. Maximilian Hollendonner and Fedor Hrunski will both work on the BMBF Project "SiC Quantum Memory Nodes for a Distributed Quantum Computing Network". We wish both scientists great success for their work!

Kategorie: Allgemein

Today Maximilian Hollendonner successfully defended his Master Thesis "Sensing of electrolytes with nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond". The project was performed in cooperation with Dr. Sanchar Sharma and Prof. Dr. Silvia Viola Kusminskiy from the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, as ...

Kategorie: Allgemein

Prof. Dr. Roland Nagy has received funding of 2.700.000€ for the project SiC Quantum Memory Nodes for a Distributed Quantum Computing Network through the BMBF program „Quantentechnologien – von den Grundlagen zum Markt“ (Quantum Technologies - from foundations to the market). Here's a short summa...

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