
We have a postdoc position in our workgroup! If you are interested in conducting and performing research about quantum computing/networking or quantum sensing based on color centers in silicon carbide or diamond, then don't hesitate to contact us! The full advert can be found here.

Category: Allgemein

Today PD Dr. Georgy Astakhov, head of Quantum Technologies at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf visited our group and gave a talk about his current reasearch about silicon vacancy centers in silicon carbide. We highly enjoyed to learn about his research and to benefit from his outstanding kno...

Category: Allgemein

On December 15th, Robert Cernansky who is currently a Marie-Curie Fellow in the group of Fedor Jelezko (University of Ulm) visited us and gave a talk about his research. Besides fruitful discussions we had some "Glühwein" at the Christmas market.

Category: Allgemein

From December 6th until December 9th Amit Finkler from the Weizmann Institute of Science visited us in Erlangen. Amit Finkler is head of the group of Quantum-Enhanced Sensing Techniques and an expert on NV-centers in diamond. Besides a talk about his research we had very useful discussions and some ...

Category: Allgemein

On December 8th, Dr. Durga Dasari from the 3rd Institute of Physics (University of Stuttgart) visited our group. Durga Dasari is an expert on the theory of quantum information and color centers. We had useful discussions and look forward to future collaborations.

Category: Allgemein

„Ecosystems don’t divide a cake, but build a bigger one together“ - with these words, Dr. Roland Busch, CEO of Siemens, opened together with Prof. Dr. Joachim Hornegger, President of FAU, this year's FAU Siemens RIE Conference Power x Electronics. Besides talks from Prof. Dr. Jörg Schulze (Fraunh...

Category: Allgemein

Today Kim Ullerich successfully presented her Master thesis entitled "Boson statistics with silicon vacancy centers in 4H silicon carbide". Congratulations for finishing your Master studies and all the best for your future.

Category: Allgemein

Today Daniel Scheller started his PhD in our group. Daniel has studied physics at FAU with a specialisation on solid state physics. For his PhD he will work on the  integration of color centers in 4H Silicon Carbide into nanophotonic circuits. We wish him great success!

Category: Allgemein

Last week from Wednesday to Thursday, Prof. Dr. Roland Nagy, Fedor Hrunski and Maximilian Hollendonner participated in the BMBF Quantum Futur Junior Research Groups Meeting 2022 in Berlin. Besides presenting our project through a talk by Prof. Dr. Roland Nagy and a poster, we enjoyed to learn abo...

Category: Allgemein