FAU Siemens Research and Innovation Ecosystem
„Ecosystems don’t divide a cake, but build a bigger one together“ – with these words, Dr. Roland Busch, CEO of Siemens, opened together with Prof. Dr. Joachim Hornegger, President of FAU, this year’s FAU Siemens RIE Conference Power x Electronics.
Besides talks from Prof. Dr. Jörg Schulze (Fraunhofer IISB & FAU’s LEB), and Prof. Dr. Rolf Hellinger about the relevance of power electronics for an all-electric society, Prof. Dr. Roland Nagy together with Prof. Dr. Albert Heuberger (FAU), Dr. Peter Friedrichs (Infineon) and Andreas Groeger (Siemens) had an insightful debate on the future transformation of applications.
The conference was concluded by pitches from startups, such as Evolonic, Ceus UG and Powerlyze GmbH before all participants continued to exchange during lunch.